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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stardog Quick-start notes (Windows)

  • Laptop: Windows 7, 64 bit, intel Core i5-2520M CPU @2.5Ghz, 8GB RAM, 120 GB SSD
  • set STARDOG_HOME variable to e.g. c:/development/stardog-1.0.4 
  • copy the license file over to STARDOG_HOME
  • start the server
$ ./stardog-admin server start
   Stardog server 1.0.4 started on Tue Aug 21 11:02:34 CEST 2012.

   SNARL server running on snarl://localhost:5820/
   HTTP server running on http://localhost:5822/.
   Stardog documentation accessible at http://localhost:5822/docs
   SNARL & HTTP servers listening on all interfaces

  • create a database from input file
  $ ./stardog-admin create -n nxp  -t D -u admin -p admin --server snarl://localhost:5820/ c:/testdata/products.rdf
Bulk loading data to new database.
Data load complete. Loaded 340,819 triples in 00:00:04 @ 69.4K triples/sec.
Successfully created database 'nxp'.  
  • query the database:
$ ./stardog query -c http://localhost:5822/nxp -q "
  PREFIX nxp:   <http://purl.org/nxp/schema/v1/>
  PREFIX skos:  <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
  SELECT ?typeNumber ?prefLabel
    ?x nxp:typeNumber ?typeNumber;
       skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel .
  LIMIT 10
Executing Query:

PREFIX nxp:   <http://purl.org/nxp/schema/v1/>
PREFIX skos:  <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
SELECT ?typeNumber ?prefLabel
  ?x nxp:typeNumber ?typeNumber;
     skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel .

|    typeNumber    |                           prefLabel                           |
| "74AUP1G57GW"    | "Low-power configurable multiple function gate"@en-us         |
| "74AUP1G58GW"    | "Low-power configurable multiple function gate"@en-us         |
| "74AUP1T45GW"    | "Low-power dual supply translating transeiver; 3-state"@en-us |
| "74AUP2G32GN"    | "Dual2-inputORgate (IMPULSE)"@en-us                           |
| "74AUP2G32GS"    | "Dual2-inputORgate (IMPULSE)"@en-us                           |
| "74AVC16T245DGG" | "74AVC16T245DGG (IMPULSE)"@en-us                              |
| "74AVC16T245DGV" | "16-Bit Dual-SupplyTx/Rx w/3-State (IMPULSE)"@en-us           |
| "74AVC2T45DC"    | "74AVC2T45DC (IMPULSE)"@en-us                                 |
| "74AVC2T45DP"    | "2-bit Dual-supply translator (IMPULSE)"@en-us                |
| "74AVC2T45GD"    | "2-bit Dual-supply translator (IMPULSE)"@en-us                |

Query returned 10 results in 00:00:00.124

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