Tweet Controller
package controllers import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext import case class Tweet(from: String, text: String) object Tweets extends Controller { implicit val tweetReads = ( (__ \ "from_user_name").read[String] and (__ \ "text").read[String] )(Tweet) def tweetList(query: String) = Action { Async { val results = 10 val responsePromise = WS.url("") .withQueryString("q" -> query, "rpp" -> results.toString).get { response => val tweets = Json.parse(response.body).\("results").as[Seq[Tweet]] Ok(views.html.tweetlist(tweets)) } } } }
GET /tweets/:query controllers.Tweets.tweetList(query: String)
scala template:
@(tweets: Seq[Tweet]) @main("Tweets!") {Tweets: { tweet =>
- @tweet.from: @tweet.text
So invoking following URL http://localhost:9000/tweets/playframework now gives me the last 10 tweets containing playframework (case insensitive). I think it's pretty slick how little code is needed.
Hey, you should be more consistent with labels. You have play and playframework already ;)
ReplyDeleteyeah... well... if you launch a play application it will tell you "Welcome to Play 2.1". But when querying twitter it makes sense to use 'playframework' as i'm not interested in every tweet with keyword 'play' ;-)